New Moon January 2024 – Ritual with Journaling Prompts

Tonight is the first new moon of 2024. The sky is dark without the light of the moon. It’s a time for self reflection and contemplation. It’s a very powerful time to solidify your goals and start taking action on them. It can be helpful to think about what got us here, what we could use more of, and what we want to leave in this ending moon cycle. Here’s a ritual to help do this.

You can start by taking a nice, cleansing bath with tea light candles and incense around the room. In the water, you can add a bath bomb; herbs such as rose petals, rosemary, lavender, and sage; Epsom salts; essential oils like eucalyptus, lemon, lavender, rosemary, and chamomile or whatever your heart desires.

(Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I recommend you do thorough research of everything and anything you plan to put in your bath before getting in.)

After your bath, put on something comfy (or stay nakey, your choice) and head to your favorite cozy space. Grab a cup of tea (or coffee, but we’re going for more of a relaxating vibe) and curl up in a warm, fuzzy blanket.

Ground yourself into the earth. This is easiest to do outdoors, barefoot, if you’re in a climate that’s allowed, or using a grounding mat like this one.

Picture the earth beneath you, penetrating every layer of matter between you. Whether you’re in a house with a basement below you or in an apartment building with multiple levels, envision the earth and its sacred, bright white light of energy traveling to you and reaching your feet. You are rooted into the earth through this energy. It goes into your feet, your legs, up your back and chest, into your shoulders, filling your arms all the way to your fingertips, your head, and now your whole body is entwined with this source energy, connecting you to the earth through invisible strands of pure white.

Picture the earth beneath you, penetrating every layer of matter between you. Whether you’re in a house with a basement below you or in an apartment building with multiple levels, envision the earth and its sacred, bright white light of energy traveling to you and reaching your feet. You are rooted into the earth through this energy. It goes into your feet, your legs, up your back and chest, into your shoulders, filling your arms all the way to your fingertips, your head, and now your whole body is entwined with this source energy, connecting you to the earth through invisible strands of pure white.

The Sacred Self Care deck by Jill Pyle

Take a pause here and do some deep breathing. Breathe in for 5, hold for 5, and breathe out for 5. Continue this breathing technique until your body and mins start to regulate.

Now you can sip your drink, relax, light a candle or some incense with a scent that inspires you, and work through these journaling prompts.

How am I feeling?

What emotions am I leaving behind?

What self limiting beliefs am I releasing?

What am I calling in with the new cycle? What could I use more of?

How do I want to feel over the next cycle?

What is my intention?

What can I start tonight that will move me closer to where I want to be on the next new moon?

What happened this cycle that I am grateful for?

What affirmations can I take into the new moon cycle that will help me move forward on my highest path?

When you’ve finished, state your chosen affirmations out loud. Then close by thanking the moon for all she does for us.

Blessed be!

Lyric ❤️

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