About Me

Hi! I’m Lyric (they/them). I’m a goth, agender (non-binary) single mom to an adorable, sweet, energetic 4 year old. We’re both somewhere under the auDHD umbrella. I also have BPD, major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, chronic fatigue, and some sort of other mystery chronic illness that makes life difficult. But, despite this nonsense, I begrudgingly drag myself out of bed every morning and keep on truckin’. Somebody’s gotta get this bread.

Under the surface, and beyond the mental illness (innit?), I am a stationery hoarder, memelord, recovering smoker and shopping addict, self-proclaimed Taylor Swift hater (I will die on this hill), HUGE Oliver Tree and System of a Down fan, plushie collector, and advocate for social justice and equity for ALL.


no human is illegal

trans rights are human rights

mind your own uterus